Marketing Skills and How to Build Them
Web marketers are a dime a dozen, but the marketers that actually manage and deploy successful campaigns have a core set of skills that help them turn their big picture vision into reality. There’s a key distinction between understanding the basics of core marketing skills, and building them into powerful tools that help you achieve your goals on a daily basis. Honing your core marketing skills means moving marketing tasks and ideas from the realm of the theoretical into the world of the practical.
Let’s talk about some of these skills and how you can use them in your everyday marketing processes.
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Five Essential Marketing Skills
1. Communication
2. Persuasive Writing
3. Search Engine Marketing
While search engine marketing (SEM) is not inherently difficult to learn, it’s not always easy to keep track of. That is, SEM is always evolving and changing on almost a daily basis. In other words, it’s important to lay a solid foundation in search marketing, but from there you’ll need to watch up and coming trends on a daily basis to make sure you are informed to major changes in search marketing.
4. Web Content
Web content is diverse, and becoming increasingly sophisticated. In other words, web content is not just limited to text on a web page. As a marketer, you must know the ins and outs of all types of web content. This includes everything from podcasts to promotional video to infographics to photo sharing to blogs to social media updates, and so on.
5. Social Media
Nearly everything on the web is linked or can be linked to a social network of some kind. In fact, as a marketer you’ll find that the majority of your target market or audience is engaged on a social network of some sort. As a result, you’ll spend a great deal of time understanding these social media tools, and the types of conversations your target audience are having. This provides insight that you can leverage to target your audience with relevant content. Not unlike search engine marketing, social media is always changing. Staying current on up and coming social media trends is crucial to your survival as a marketer.
Conclusion: Get Some Help!
While many of these marketing skills can be easily self taught, others may require the help of a professional. Talk to a professional, hire a marketing or copywriting consultant, or better yet, take a FREE marketing class.
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