7 Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tools
Cross platform mobile development refers to a technique of writing a single codebase for apps that will eventually be used on different operating systems. Major phone operating systems such as android and iOS are structurally different in their architecture. It is no wonder, therefore, that both cause massive trouble for developers trying to make apps that cut across their products. Google and Apple encourage code to be written in contradicting ways, making it very difficult for programmers to write a singular codebase that is efficient on both platforms. It also means that developers will have to duplicate code and keep tweaking it to work for both platforms.
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In the course of mobile app development, the most common questions that nag developers concern the following:
- What is the best way of developing one app on multiple platforms without necessarily tweaking code for each native?
- What is the best way to develop apps without constant revision?
- What is the best way of controlling the versions of the apps without losing track of the implied semantics and purpose of the app?
For these and many more reasons, the demand for cross platform mobile development is constantly growing in the market. The basic need for programmers on any platform is compatibility. Below are seven cross-browser tools that will take any developer a long way in creating flexible apps that stand the compatibility test.
1. MoSync
MoSync is an advanced tool for developing cross-platform apps. The standard development kit includes libraries for common technologies used to shape the future of the web. MoSync is largely eclipse-like and supports C/C++, PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and Java. The best thing about it is that it allows native apps to be shipped to Symbian, Windows Mobile, Linux Mobile, Android, iOS, and iPad platforms effortlessly. Mobile developers will surely appreciate the genius behind this IDE.
2. Whoop
Whoop is a controversial platform that brags of being suitable even for non-developers. It remains one of the best ways to go for beginners in mobile development and those seeking beta versions of their projects. However, Whoop is really basic and misses out on important requirements for the latest features on hardware, even though it is very easy to use. Whoop has a WYSYWIG interface that lets developers drop app elements and tweak the code from the task bar. It works well with Windows Mobile, Symbian Blackberry, Android, iPhone, and other major mobile OS’s. It is free, with paid gateway packages available.
3. Appcelerator
Appcelerator uses web technology to allow cross platform compatibility between platforms. The native apps are derived from technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Python and Ruby, and rendered on the mobile via browsers. This platform is really efficient, and gives users access to over 300 API’s. Appcelerator is also pretty easy to learn when you get your hands on the right materials. Enroll for this course on Beginner Mobile App Development with Appcelerator Titanium to fast track your experience in creating flexible mobile solutions.
4. Widgetpad
Widgetpad is also a web-based platform that can be used for developing cross platform mobile software. It is currently being developed in its beta stage but on release, it promises a slimmer packaging of key features needed for the important elements of mobile apps. Unfortunately, it does not have access to some advanced hardware features. A good example is lack of the latest Android-centered GPS chips which makes it a little bit inferior. However, for those seeking lightweight solutions, this is the sure way to go.
5. RhoMobile
RhoMobile is an integrated framework based on Ruby, and is used for making apps that work on multiple mobile platforms. It allows native apps to be created for Windows Mobile, Symbian, Android, iOS and RIM. This comes with sharp compatibility in the advanced features of mobile gadgets. RhoMobile allows developers to code only centrally and comes with support for budding developers. Further, it aces out other players with specific add-on features only available to its users. RhoHub for instance is a cloud code hosting environment while RhoSync is an on-the-fly standalone server, which adds to the richness of the developer experience. Both RhoSync and RhoHub make mobile development more practical and trouble-free.
6. PhoneGap
This award-winning development platform is capable of handling apps for Android, Symbian, Palm, Blackberry, iPhone, and iPads. It is based on distributed systems technologies and web shortcuts such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS3. PhoneGap is very efficient and gives the developer easy access to advanced hardware components like the accelerometer and GPS tracker. Additionally, the PhoneGap crew gives free training to willing developers making it a great technology to embrace for the absolute beginner. There is an active developer community that is constantly discussing pertinent features of the language. For those focused on targeting mobile bigwigs Android and iOS, this course in Mobile Application Development made Easy: iOS and Android is priceless. Get to know the most practical ways of adapting your apps to fit close to 2 billion iOS and Android users around the globe.
7. Xmarin
Finally, Xmarin is a C#-based platform where code is written generally for iOS and Android and compiled differently during the deployment. Xmarin is rather advanced, and allows users to call native API’s in the resulting application. Before compiling, Xmarin executes code on a .NET framework at runtime and gives a native dialect of either iOS or Android. For large teams that work on different parts of the same project, I have found this to be particularly versatile and adaptive.
Cross-platform mobile apps are in huge demand in the world today. For banks, silicon start-ups, convenience stores, government organizations and the rest, mobile apps command a solid access to the masses. This has grown the demand for mobile development services in bounds. Enroll for this Make Money With Apps – iPhone iPad iOS Development the EASY WAY course for a quick introduction into what you can actually do with the skills you possess.
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