Get in on this offer by August 13th.

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Buy a Udemy course from August 9th and August 13th, and we’ll hook you up with five bonus lessons! Click here to learn more. 

These engaging lessons taught by some of our top instructors cover topics as diverse as coping with stress, what technical hiring managers are after, working remotely, building an online community, and the relationship between mathematics and digital design. Read on for details about each lesson. 

Buy a course and score your bonus.

Bonus Lessons

Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help

Deborah Grayson Riegel

When we’re in physical pain with, say, a sprained ankle, we’ll probably go get help. But when we’re in emotional pain with anxiety or sadness, we’ll likely keep it to ourselves and try to get through it alone. It doesn’t have to be that way. Learn five practical strategies to help you reduce your stress and increase your resilience so you can feel better now and down the road.

What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think)

Frank Kane

If you’re looking to land a role at one of the major technical employers, your technical knowledge isn’t enough to get you through the door. As a senior manager, Frank Kane interviewed thousands of candidates at Amazon and hired hundreds. Learn what to expect in interviews and what you should do to meet those hiring managers’ expectations.

Check out more of Frank’s courses below:

The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer

Colt Steele

Hear from developers around the world and learn how their work lives have changed for the better and worse by remote working. What’s it like to work on a completely distributed team? What’s it like to start your first developer job at a fully remote company? 

Check out more of Colt’s courses below:

Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch

Phil Ebiner

No matter the size of your audience or the platform(s) you use, cultivating a tight-knit community of engaged followers can be hugely beneficial for your brand. You provide the space, a framework for types of interactions and activities, and encouragement to participate. Then you work toward the ultimate goal of having a community that thrives on its own.

Check out more of Phil’s courses below:

Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics

Penny de Byl and Mike Bridges

From static design to animation to interactive games, an understanding and appreciation of mathematics is essential for today’s digital designer. In this lesson, Penny and Mike will reveal the plethora of digital creation fields touched by the magic of mathematics and discuss how it has grown into an essential design skill over the course of their careers.

Check out more of Mike & Penny’s courses below:

Terms & Conditions


Eligible Udemy students who make at least one qualifying course purchase on Udemy from August 9, 2021 12:01am PT through August 13, 2021 11:59pm PT will receive free access to the following lessons: Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help, The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer, Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics, Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch, and What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think) (“Bonus Lessons”). Free course purchases, for which no cash value was paid (such as course purchases where the full amount was paid using a free coupon or credit), do not qualify for this offer. 

Eligible Udemy students will receive an email within 1-5 days following a qualifying course purchase with information on how to access the Bonus Lessons. This offer is non-transferable and has no cash value. Each person may only qualify to receive this offer once. Bonus Lessons are available in English only. This offer is not available in the following countries: Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Spain, and Turkey.

Udemy students who qualify for this offer will be granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the Bonus Lessons, solely for your personal, non-commercial, and educational purposes. All other uses are strictly prohibited. You may not reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or use any content, except as explicitly permitted in these terms. 
Udemy reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. Additional terms apply.


Condiciones de la oferta de clases extra

Los estudiantes de Udemy que cumplan los requisitos y que efectúen, como mínimo, una compra válida de un curso en Udemy desde el 9 de agosto de 2021 a las 00:01 (hora del Pacífico) hasta el 13 de agosto de 2021 a las 23:59 (hora del Pacífico) recibirán acceso gratuito a las siguientes clases: Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help; The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer; Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics; Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch, y What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think) (“Clases extra“). Las compras de cursos gratuitos que no requieren un pago en efectivo (por ejemplo, si los cursos se pagan totalmente mediante un crédito o un cupón gratuito) no cumplen los requisitos para optar a esta oferta. 

Los estudiantes de Udemy que cumplan los requisitos recibirán un correo electrónico en el plazo de 1 a 5 días tras la compra válida del curso con información sobre cómo acceder a las clases extra. Esta oferta es intransferible y no tiene valor en efectivo. Solo se puede recibir esta oferta una vez. Las clases extra solo están disponibles en inglés. Esta oferta no está disponible en los siguientes países: Alemania, Brasil, España, Francia, Italia, Japón, México, Polonia y Turquía.

A los estudiantes de Udemy que cumplan los requisitos para optar a esta oferta se les concederá una licencia limitada, no exclusiva e intransferible para acceder a las Clases extra y poder verlas, únicamente con fines personales, no comerciales y educativos. Cualquier otro uso queda estrictamente prohibido. No puede reproducir, redistribuir, transmitir, asignar, vender, emitir por radiodifusión, alquilar, compartir, prestar, modificar, adaptar, editar, crear trabajos derivados, sublicenciar ni transferir de ninguna otra forma ningún contenido, salvo lo permitido explícitamente en las presentes condiciones. 

Udemy se reserva el derecho de modificar o cancelar esta oferta en cualquier momento. Se aplican condiciones adicionales. 


Angebotsbedingungen für Bonuseinheiten

Berechtigte Udemy-Teilnehmer, die zwischen dem 9. August 2021, 00:01 Uhr PT (kalifornische Ortszeit), und dem 13. August 2021, 23:59 Uhr PT (kalifornische Ortszeit), mindestens einen zur Teilnahme berechtigenden Kurskauf bei Udemy durchführen, erhalten kostenlosen Zugriff auf die folgenden Einheiten: „Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help“, „The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer“, „Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics“, „Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch“ und „What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think)“ („Bonuseinheiten“). Der Kauf eines kostenlosen Kurses, bei dem kein Geldwert bezahlt wurde (z. B. Käufe, bei denen der Gesamtbetrag mit einem Gratisgutschein oder Gratisguthaben bezahlt wurde), berechtigt nicht zur Teilnahme an diesem Angebot. 

Berechtigte Udemy-Teilnehmer erhalten innerhalb von 1–5 Tagen nach einem zur Teilnahme berechtigenden Kurskauf eine E-Mail, in der beschrieben wird, wie sie auf die Bonuseinheiten zugreifen können. Dieses Angebot kann nicht übertragen werden und besitzt keinen Geldwert. Jede Person kann sich nur einmal zum Erhalt dieses Angebots qualifizieren. Die Bonuseinheiten sind nur auf Englisch verfügbar. Dieses Angebot ist in den folgenden Ländern nicht verfügbar: Brasilien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Japan, Mexiko, Polen, Spanien und Türkei.

Udemy-Teilnehmer, die zur Nutzung dieses Angebots berechtigt sind, erhalten eine eingeschränkte, nicht exklusive und nicht übertragbare Lizenz für den Zugriff auf die Bonuseinheiten und die Ansicht der Bonuseinheiten, die nur für persönliche, bildungsbezogene und nicht kommerzielle Zwecke gilt. Alle anderen Verwendungsarten sind strikt untersagt. Es ist untersagt, Inhalte zu vervielfältigen, weiterzuleiten, zu übermitteln, abzutreten, zu verkaufen, zu übertragen, zu vermieten, zu teilen, zu verleihen, zu modifizieren, zu adaptieren, zu bearbeiten, davon abgeleitete Werke zu erstellen, per Lizenz zu vergeben oder anderweitig weiterzugeben oder zu nutzen, außer wie laut diesen Bedingungen ausdrücklich zulässig. 

Udemy behält sich das Recht vor, dieses Angebot jederzeit zu ändern oder zu beenden. Es gelten weitere Bedingungen


Conditions de l’offre Cours bonus

Les participants Udemy éligibles, qui effectuent au moins un achat de cours entrant dans les critères d’éligibilité, du 9 août 2021 00 h 01 PT au 13 août 2021 23 h 59 PT, bénéficieront d’un accès gratuit aux cours suivants : Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help, The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer, Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics, Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch, and What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think) (les « Cours bonus »). Les transactions concernant des cours gratuits ne sont pas éligibles à cette offre, car ces cours n’ont pas de valeur marchande (notamment les achats de cours entièrement réalisés en coupons gratuits ou en crédits). 

Les participants Udemy éligibles recevront un e-mail 1 à 5 jours après l’achat du cours répondant aux critères d’éligibilité, avec des informations sur l’accès aux Cours bonus. Cette offre est non transférable et n’a pas de valeur marchande. Chaque participant ne peut bénéficier qu’une seule fois de cette offre. Les Cours bonus ne sont disponibles qu’en anglais. Cette offre n’est pas disponible dans les pays suivants : Allemagne, Brésil, Espagne, France, Italie, Japon, Mexique, Pologne et Turquie.

Les participants Udemy éligibles à cette offre bénéficieront d’une licence limitée, non exclusive et non transférable pour accéder aux Cours bonus et les consulter, à des fins exclusivement personnelles, éducatives et non commerciales. Toute autre utilisation est strictement interdite. Vous ne pouvez en aucun cas reproduire, redistribuer, transmettre, attribuer, vendre, diffuser, louer, partager, prêter, modifier, adapter, éditer, créer des œuvres dérivées, sous-licencier, transférer ou utiliser d’une quelconque manière le contenu, sauf si cela est expressément autorisé par les présentes conditions. 

Udemy se réserve le droit de modifier ou d’annuler cette offre à tout moment. Des modalités supplémentaires s’appliquent. 


Termini dell’offerta delle lezioni bonus

Gli studenti Udemy idonei che acquisteranno almeno un corso valido su Udemy dalle ore 00:01 PT del 9 agosto 2021 alle ore 23:59 PT del 13 agosto 2021, avranno la possibilità di accedere gratuitamente alle seguenti lezioni: “Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help”, “The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer”, “Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics”, “Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch” e “What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For” (it’s not what you think) (“Lezioni bonus“). I corsi gratuiti, per i quali non è stato pagato alcun corrispettivo in denaro (ad esempio, i corsi acquistati pagando l’intero importo con un coupon gratuito o un credito), non rientrano in questa offerta. 

Gli studenti Udemy che risultano idonei per l’offerta riceveranno un’e-mail entro 5 giorni dall’acquisto di un corso valido con le informazioni sulle modalità di accesso alle lezioni bonus. L’offerta non è trasferibile e non ha alcun valore monetario. Ogni persona può avere i requisiti per accedere a questa offerta una sola volta. Le lezioni bonus sono disponibili esclusivamente in lingua inglese. Questa offerta non è disponibile nei seguenti paesi: Brasile, Francia, Germania, Italia, Giappone, Messico, Polonia, Spagna e Turchia.

Agli studenti Udemy che risultano idonei per l’offerta verrà concessa una licenza limitata, non esclusiva e non trasferibile per accedere e visualizzare le lezioni bonus, esclusivamente per scopi personali, non commerciali e formativi. Ne è severamente vietato l’uso per altri scopi. La riproduzione, la ridistribuzione, la trasmissione, la cessione, la vendita, la messa in onda, il noleggio, la condivisione, il prestito, la modifica, l’adattamento, l’edit, la creazione di opere derivate, la concessione in sottolicenza o altri trasferimenti o utilizzo di qualsiasi contenuto sono vietati salvo quanto espressamente consentito in questi termini. 

Udemy si riserva il diritto di modificare o cancellare l’offerta in qualsiasi momento. Si applicano termini aggiuntivi. 



2021年8月9日 午前12時01分(太平洋時間)から2021年8月13日 午後11時59分(太平洋時間)までの期間にUdemyで対象コースを1つ以上購入した、参加資格のあるUdemyの受講生は、以下のレッスンに無料でアクセスすることができます。 Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help、The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer、Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics、Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch、およびWhat Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think)(以下「ボーナスレッスン」)。コースの無料での購入(無料クーポンまたはUdemyクレジットでコース料金全額をお支払いになる場合など)については、本キャンペーンの対象外となります。 





보너스 강의 혜택 약관

2021년 8월 9일 오전 12:01(PT)~2021년 8월 13일 오후 11:59(PT)에 대상 강의를 하나 이상 구매한 자격이 있는 Udemy 수강생은 다음 강의에 무료로 액세스할 수 있습니다. Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help, The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer, Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics, Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch, What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think)(“보너스 강의”). 현금 가치를 지불하지 않은 무료 강의 구매(전액을 무료 쿠폰이나 크레딧으로 지불 등)는 이 혜택의 대상이 아닙니다. 

자격이 있는 Udemy 수강생은 대상 강의 구매 후 1~5일 이내에 보너스 강의 액세스 방법에 관한 정보가 담긴 이메일을 받게 됩니다. 이 혜택은 양도할 수 없으며 현금 가치가 없습니다. 이 혜택은 한 사람당 한 번만 받을 수 있습니다. 보너스 강의는 영어로만 제공됩니다. 이 혜택은 다음 국가에서는 사용할 수 없습니다. 브라질, 프랑스, 독일, 이탈리아, 일본, 멕시코, 폴란드, 스페인, 터키.

이 혜택을 받을 자격이 있는 Udemy 수강생은 보너스 강의에 액세스하고 이를 보기 위한 제한적, 비독점적, 양도 불가능한 라이선스를 받게 되며 개인적이고 비상업적이며 교육 목적으로만 사용할 수 있습니다. 다른 모든 사용은 엄격히 금지됩니다. 본 약관에서 명시적으로 허용하는 경우를 제외하고 콘텐츠를 복사, 재배포, 전송, 할당, 판매, 방송, 임대, 공유, 대여, 수정, 조정, 편집, 파생 작업 생성, 허가 또는 전송하거나 사용할 수 없습니다. 

Udemy는 이 혜택을 언제든지 수정하거나 취소할 권리를 보유합니다. 추가 약관이 적용됩니다. 


Lekcje bonusowe — warunki oferty

Kwalifikujący się uczestnicy kursów Udemy, którzy między godziną 00:01 czasu pacyficznego 9 sierpnia 2021 r., a godziną 23:59 czasu pacyficznego 13 sierpnia 2021 r. dokonają zakupu co najmniej jednego kwalifikującego się kursu Udemy, otrzymają bezpłatny dostęp do tych lekcji: Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help, The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer, Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics, Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch i What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think) („Lekcje bonusowe”). Zakup bezpłatnych kursów, za które nie zapłacono pieniędzmi (takich jak kursy opłacone w pełni za pomocą bezpłatnego kuponu lub środków promocyjnych), nie kwalifikuje się do tej oferty. 

Kwaifikujący się uczestnicy kursów Udemy w ciągu 1–5 dni od zakupu kwalifikującego się kursu Udemy otrzymają wiadomość e-mail z informacją, jak uzyskać dostęp do Lekcji bonusowych. Ta oferta nie podlega przeniesieniu na innego użytkownika i nie ma wartości pieniężnej. Każda osoba może zakwalifikować się do skorzystania z tej oferty tylko raz. Lekcje bonusowe są dostępne tylko w języku angielskim. Ta oferta jest niedostępna w następujących krajach: Brazylii, Francji, Hiszpanii, Japonii, Meksyku, Niemczech, Polsce, Włoszech i Turcji.

Uczestnicy kursów Udemy, którzy zakwalifikują się do skorzystania z tej oferty, otrzymają ograniczoną, niewyłączną i niezbywalną licencję pozwalającą na dostęp do Lekcji bonusowych i ich wyświetlanie, wyłącznie w osobistych, niekomercyjnych i edukacyjnych celach.  Wszelkie inne zastosowania są surowo zabronione. Użytkownik nie może powielać, redystrybuować, transmitować, przypisywać, sprzedawać, nadawać publicznie, wypożyczać, udostępniać, wynajmować, modyfikować, adaptować, edytować, tworzyć prac pochodnych, udzielać podlicencji, ani w żaden inny sposób transferować lub wykorzystywać jakichkolwiek treści z wyjątkiem zastosowań bezpośrednio dozwolonych przez niniejsze warunki. 

Udemy zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany lub anulowania tej oferty w dowolnym momencie. Obowiązują dodatkowe warunki


Termos da Oferta de Aulas Bônus

Os alunos elegíveis da Udemy que fizerem pelo menos uma compra de curso qualificável na Udemy entre 9 de agosto de 2021, às 00h01 PT, e 13 de agosto de 2021, às 23h59 PT, receberão acesso gratuito às seguintes aulas: Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help, The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer, Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics, Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch e What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think) (“Aulas Bônus”). As compras de cursos gratuitos, para os quais não há pagamento de valores (como compras de cursos onde o valor total foi pago usando crédito ou cupom gratuito), não se qualificam para essa oferta. 

Os alunos elegíveis da Udemy receberão um e-mail no prazo de 1 a 5 dias após a compra de curso qualificável com as informações necessárias para acessar as Aulas Bônus. Essa oferta não é transferível e não tem valor monetário. Cada pessoa pode se qualificar para essa oferta apenas uma vez. As Aulas Bônus estão disponíveis somente em inglês. Essa oferta não está disponível nos seguintes países: Brasil, França, Alemanha, Itália, Japão, México, Polônia, Espanha e Turquia.

Os alunos da Udemy que se qualificarem para essa oferta receberão uma licença limitada, não exclusiva e não transferível para acessar e assistir às Aulas Bônus, exclusivamente para fins educacionais pessoais e não comerciais. Todos os outros usos são estritamente proibidos. Não é permitido reproduzir, redistribuir, transmitir, atribuir, vender, exibir, alugar, compartilhar, emprestar, modificar, adaptar, editar, criar obras derivadas, sublicenciar ou de qualquer outra forma transferir ou usar qualquer conteúdo além das formas explicitamente permitidas nestes termos. 

A Udemy se reserva o direito de modificar ou cancelar essa oferta a qualquer momento. Termos adicionais são aplicáveis. 


Условия предложения «Бонусные уроки»

Студенты Udemy, купившие как минимум один участвующий в акции курс на Udemy в период с 9 августа 2021 года 12:01 по тихоокеанскому времени (PT) до 13 августа 2021 года 23:59 по тихоокеанскому времени (PT), получат бесплатный доступ к следующим урокам: «Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help», «The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer, Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics», «Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch» и «What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think)» («Бонусные уроки»). Регистрация на бесплатных курсах, которая не сопровождалась денежными транзакциями (включая покупку курсов, где вся сумма была оплачена купоном на бесплатное приобретение или кредитами), не считается как покупка курса. 

Студенты Udemy, отвечающие установленным критериям, получат электронное письмо в течении 1−5 дней с момента покупки участвующего в акции курса с инструкциями о том, как получить доступ к «Бонусным урокам». Это предложение не подлежит передаче другим лицам и не имеет денежного эквивалента. Каждый пользователь может поучаствовать в данной акции лишь один раз. «Бонусные уроки» доступны только на английском языке. Данная акция недоступна в следующих странах: Бразилия, Франция, Германия, Италия, Япония, Мексика, Польша, Испания и Турция.

Студентам Udemy, участвующим в данной акции, будет предоставлена ограниченная, неисключительная, не подлежащая передаче лицензия на доступ и просмотр «Бонусных уроков» исключительно для личного некоммерческого использования в образовательных целях. Использование в любых других целях строго запрещено. Вы не вправе воспроизводить, распространять, передавать, уступать, продавать, транслировать, сдавать в аренду, совместно использовать, одалживать, модифицировать, адаптировать, изменять, создавать производные работы, сублицензировать или иным образом передавать или использовать любые материалы, за исключением случаев, предусмотренных настоящими условиями. 

Udemy оставляет за собой право изменять и аннулировать это специальное предложение в любой момент времени. Применяются дополнительные условия


Bonus Dersler Teklif Şartları

Udemy’de 9 Ağustos 2021 saat 00:01 (PT) – 13 Ağustos 2021 saat 23:59 (PT) tarihleri arasında en az bir uygun kurs satın alan uygun Udemy öğrencileri aşağıdaki derslere ücretsiz erişim kazanacaktır: Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help, The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer, Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics, Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch, and What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think) (“Bonus Lessons“). Nakit ödeme yapılmayan ücretsiz kurs satın alımları (tam tutarın ücretsiz kupon veya kredi kullanılarak ödendiği kurs satın alımları gibi), bu teklif için uygun değildir. 

Uygun Udemy öğrencilerine, uygun bir kurs satın alma işleminin ardından 1-5 gün içinde Bonus Derslere nasıl erişeceklerine ilişkin bilgiler içeren bir e-posta gönderilecektir. Bu teklif devredilemez ve nakit değeri yoktur. Her kişi bu tekliften yalnızca bir kez yararlanabilir. Bonus Dersler yalnızca İngilizce olarak mevcuttur. Bu teklif şu ülkelerde geçerli değildir: Brezilya, Fransa, Almanya, İtalya, Japonya, Meksika, Polonya, İspanya ve Türkiye.

Bu tekliften yararlanmaya uygun Udemy öğrencilerine, yalnızca kişisel, ticari olmayan ve eğitim amaçları doğrultusunda Bonus Derslere erişmeleri ve bunları görüntülemeleri için sınırlı, münhasır olmayan, devredilemez bir lisans verilir. Diğer tüm kullanımlar kesinlikle yasaktır. Bu şartlarda açıkça izin verilmedikçe, herhangi bir içeriği çoğaltamaz, yeniden dağıtamaz, iletemez, devredemez, satamaz, yayınlayamaz, kiralayamaz, paylaşamaz, ödünç veremez, değiştiremez, uyarlayamaz, düzenleyemez, türev çalışmalarını oluşturamaz, alt lisansını veremez veya başka bir şekilde aktaramaz veya kullanamazsınız. 

Udemy, bu teklifi herhangi bir zaman değiştirme veya iptal etme hakkını saklı tutar. Ek şartlar uygulanır. 



2021 年 8 月 9 日上午 12:01 (太平洋時間) 至 2021 年 8 月 13 日晚間 11:59 (太平洋時間),符合資格的 Udemy 學生在 Udemy 上購買至少一門合格課程,即有資格免費存取下列課程:Self-Help Stress Strategies for People Who Don’t Like Asking For Help、The Ins and Outs of Working Remotely as a Developer、Finding the Intersection of Digital Creation and Mathematics、Building an Engaged Community for Your Brand from Scratch,以及 What Technical Hiring Managers Are Really Looking For (it’s not what you think) (「額外課程」)。購買未有涉及現金價值支付的免費課程 (例如購買金額全額透過免費優惠券或點數支付之課程) 不符合本優惠之使用資格。 

符合資格的 Udemy 學生將在購買合格課程後 1 至 5 天收到電子郵件,信中將指示如何存取額外課程。此優惠不可轉讓,無現金價值。每個人僅有資格收到一次此優惠。額外課程僅有英語版本。此優惠不適用下列國家:巴西、法國、德國、義大利、日本、墨西哥、波蘭、西班牙和土耳其。

適用此優惠的 Udemy 學生會獲得有限、非專屬且不可轉讓的授權,並可藉此存取及檢視額外課程。上述課程僅限出於個人、非商業及教育目的使用。其他用途一概禁止。您不得對任何內容複製、重新散佈、傳播、分配、銷售、廣播、出租、分享、出借、修改、調整、編輯、建立衍生品、再授權,或以其他方式轉讓或使用。本條款另有規定者不在此限。 

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Page Last Updated: July 2021